

Regional Treaties

Domestic Law

Case Law

1.  Ntambala vs Uganda 

       Case Citation: CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 34 OF 2015 [2018] UGSC 1

       Charges: indicted for Aggravated Defilement contrary to section 129(1) of the Penal Code                Act.

       Status: confirmed on appeal

       Sentence: 14 years imprisonment 

2.  Uganda Vs. Akute Stephen alias Ouma 

        Case Citation: Crim. Case No. 03  [2008] UGHC 146

        Charges: charged with Rape contrary to sections 123 and 124 of the penal code Act 

        Status: The High Court of Uganda finds the accused guilty of Rape contrary to sections 123               and 124 of the Penal code Act. 

        Sentence: seven years imprisonment 

3.  Sewanyana Livingstone Vs. Uganda

       Case Citation: Crim. Appeal No. 19 Of 2006 [2010] UGSC 16

       Charges: Count 1 defilement, contrary to section 129(1) of the Penal Code Act and on Count            2, for incest, contrary to section 149 (1) of the Penal Code Act 

       Status:  confirmed on appeal

       Sentence:  18 years imprisonment on count 1, 19 years on count 2. Both sentences were to run        concurrently.  

4.  Uganda v. Ekyorinkwasa Deus 

       Case Citation: Case No. HCT-05-CR-SC-0074 of 2003, [2003] UGHC 20

       Charges: Rape, contrary to section 117 and 118 of the Penal Code Act 

       Status: The assessors in their joint opinion find no proof of sexual intercourse. They advised              the judge to convict of a lesser offence.  Given the evidence of PW1 and PW2 showing the                  accused threw the complainant on the ground and lay on her on a footpath, the judge found              the accused guilty of the indecent assault, contrary to section 122 (1) of the Penal Code Act              and convict him accordingly. 

       Sentence: unknown

5.  Basoga Patrick vs. Uganda, Criminal Appeal No. 42, 2002. 

6. Private Wepukhulu Nyunguli vs Uganda,  DISSENTING JUDGMENT OF MULENGA JSC. 

      Case Citation: Criminal Appeal No. 21 of 2001 [2003] UGSC 12

      Charges: Defilement

       Status: Justice Mulenga did not sign the judgment of the Court. He disagreed with the Court’s          decision on the first ground of appeal, specifically on the finding that the ingredient of                          “penetration”, in the charge of defilement, was proved “without doubt”.  On that basis, He is of            the view that an essential ingredient of the offence was not proved beyond reasonable doubt.          The facts that were proved beyond reasonable doubt, however, constitute the offence of                    indecent assault. The appellant ought to have been convicted of the latter offence. 

7. Habyarimana Ronard v Uganda 

      Case Citation: Cr. Appeal No.68 Of 1998 [1999] UGCA 23 

      Charges: Defilement contrary to Section 123 (1) of the Penal Code Act 

      Status: The appellant was convicted of Defilement contrary to Section 123 (1) of the Penal                 Code Act. The Court of Appeal upheld the conviction and sentence imposed by the lower                   court.

      Sentence: 9 years of imprisonment 

8. Katumba James versus Uganda Criminal Appeal 58, 1997. 2000-5.pdf

 9.  Francis Jendo Vs UGANDA CRIM APPEAL 3, 1997. 

10. Badru Mwidu v. Uganda, HCB at 11, 1994-1995. 

11. Uganda Vs Odwong Dennis and Olanya Dickson, HCB 71, 1992-1993. 

12. Joseph Kiiza & Anor. V. Uganda, HCN 268, 1978.

13. DPP versus Morgan & 3 Others, AC 182, 1976.

14. George Bangirana VS. Uganda, HCB 361, 1975. 

15. Chila & 1 Vs R. EA 722, 1967. 

16. Kibazo versus Uganda (1965), E.A 507 (the Court of Appeal for East Africa).

Reports of the United Nations

Reports of other International/Regional Organisations

Books/Articles /Documents/ Research Papers / Workshops / Publications

1. Philipp Schulz, Examining Male Wartime Rape Survivors’ Perspectives on Justice in Northern Uganda, Sage Journals, January 6, 2019

2. Philipp Schulz, Displacement from gendered personhood: sexual violence and masculinities in northern Uganda, International Affairs, Volume 94, Issue 5, September 2018

3. UNHCR, 5-Year Interagency SGBV Strategy Unganda, 2016-2020

4. Promoting Accountability For Conflict – Related SExual Violence Against Men : A Comparative Legal Analysis of International And Domestic Laws Relating to IPD and Refugee Men in Uganda, Refugee Law Project , Working Paper No. 24 July 2013.  

5. Lino Owor Ogora, Sexual Violence against Men and Boys and its Relevance to the Trial of Dominic,  International Justice Monitor, April 24, 2018

6. Zoe Gillard, Dr Philipp Schulz, Male survivors are not ’emasculated’ but experience ‘displacement from gendered personhood’, LSE, October 26th, 2018 

7. Sophia Ugwu, Men and Boys as Hidden Victims of Sexual Violence, Peace Palace Library, Centre For African Justice, Peace and Human Rights, July 5, 2018 

8. Preventing and Responding to Gender-Based Violence: Expressions and Strategies, SIDA , 2015

9. Veronique Barbelet, Male gender-based violence: a silent crisis, odi, 23 June 2014

10. Kristina Lažauninkaitė, Victims of sexual violence affected by the Lord’s Resistance Army conflict: addressing sexual violence within Ugandan national law and the International Criminal Court (ICC),   ANR: 31957, Law School Tilburg University,  June 2016