

International Treaties

Regional Treaties

Domestic Law

Case Law

(i) Case Title : The Prosecutor v. Jean-Paul Akayesu  

Case Citation : ICTR-96-4-T

Charges : On 2 September 1998, Trial Chamber I finds Jean-Paul Akayesu guilty of nine out of fifteen counts charging him with genocide, crimes against humanity and violation s of Geneva Convention in the first ever trial before the Tribunal. 

Sentence : The accused should serve a single sentence of life imprisonment. 

Country : Tanzania


(ii) Case Title : The Prosecutor v. Clément Kayishema and Obed Ruzindana 

Case Citation : ICTR-95-1-A

Charges : On 1 June 2001, Trial Chamber II charged Kayishema with 24 counts as prefect of Kibuye with involvement as a superior in the massacres which occurred from April to June 1994. Ruzindana was charged with five counts for his role in the crimes committed between 9 April and 30 June 1994. 

Sentence : Kayishema was sentenced to life imprisonment and Ruzindana to twenty)five years’ imprisonment.  

Country : Tanzania


(iii) Case Title : The Prosecutor v. Jean Kambanda 

Case Citation : ICTR-97-23-A

Charges : On 4 September 1998, Jean Kambanda, the former Rwandan Prime Minister, pleaded guilty to genocide and crimes against humanity (murder and extermination).

Sentence :  Trial Chamber I had sentenced Kambanda to life imprisonment.  

Country : Tanzania


(iv) Case Title : The Prosecutor v. Ferdinand Nahimana, jean-Bosco Barayagwiza, Hassan Ngeze (Media Case) 

Case Citation : ICTR-99-52-T

Charges : On 3 December 2003, Trial Chamber I found the three accused guilty of conspiracy to commit genocide, genocide, direct and publict incitement to commit genocide and persecution and extermination as crimes against humanity. They were found not guilty of complicity in genocide and of murder as a crime against humanity. 

Sentence : Nahimana and Ngeze were sentenced to life imprisonment. Barayagwiza was sentenced to twenty-seven years, three months and twenty-one days.

Country : Tanzania


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