

International Treaties

1. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ratified 1975)

2. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ratified 1975)

3. Convention on the Rights of the Child (ratified 1991)

4. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (ratified 1981)

Regional Treaties

1. African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, 1998 (ratified 15/07/1983)

2. International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) (created in November 1994 to judge 1 violations between January and 31 December 1994).

Domestic Law

1. Constitution of Rwanda, 2003 with Amendments through 2015.

2. Law N°59/2008 on Prevention and Punishment of Gender-based violence, 10 September 2008 .

3. Penal Code of Rwanda, Organic Law N° 01/2012/OL, 02 May 2012.

Case Law

Mikaeli Muhimana Case 

Case Citation :  Case NO.  ICTR-95-1B-T

Charges : The Indictment, as amended on 21 January 2004, charges the Accused with four counts: Count I and count II; Genocide or alternatively, complicity in genocide; Count III : murder as a crime against humanity; and Count IV rape as a crime against humanity. All of the alleged events, on which these charges are based, occurred between April and June 1994, in the Bisesero area and in many locations in Gishyita Commune, Kibuye Préfecture, in Rwanda. 

Status : Disposed 

Sentence : Considering its findings in relation to the gravity of the crimes committed and to Mika Muhimana’s individual circumstances, the Chamber deems it appropriate to impose the maximum sentence. 618. For the foregoing reasons, the Chamber now sentences Mika Muhimana as follows: For Genocide (Count 1): Imprisonment for the Remainder of His Life For Rape as a Crime against Humanity (Count 3): Imprisonment for the Remainder of His Life For Murder as a Crime against Humanity (Count 4): Imprisonment for the Remainder of His Life 619. The sentences shall run concurrently.  Decision rendered on 28 April 2005, and signed on 25 May 2005, in Arusha, Tanzania. 

Country : Rwanda 

 Link : 

Elidzer Niyitegeka Case 

Case Citation :  Case No. ICTR-96-14

Charges : Count I : Genocide; Count II: Complicity in genocide ; Count III : Conspiracy to commit genocide; Count IV : Direct and public incitement to commit genocide; Count V : Crime against humanity (responsible for the murder of persons as part of a widespread and systematic attack against a civilian population on political, ethnic or racial grounds, U/Art.3 (a) ;  Count VI : Crime against humanity (responsible for the extermination of persons  as part of widespread and systematic attack against a civilian population on political, ethnic or racial grounds u/Art. 3 (b) ) Count VII : Crime against humanity (responsible for rape as part of a widespread and systematic attack against a civilian population on political, ethnic or racial grounds U/Art.  3(g) Count VIII : crimes against Humanity (responsible for inhumane acts against persons as part of a widespread and systematic attack against a civilian popnlath on political, ethnic or racial grounds U/  Article 3(i) ) ; Count IX : Serious violation of Article 3 common to Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol 11 ( responsible for killing and causing violence to health and to the physical or mental well-being of civilians as part of an armed internal conflict U/ Article 4(a) ) ; Count X :  Serious violation of Article 3 common to Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol 11:  ( responsible for inhumane acts against persons as part of an armed internal conflict U/ Article 4(a) of the Statute ) 

 Status :  Disposed 

Sentence : The Trial Chamber found the Appellant guilty.  The Trial Chamber sentenced the Accused to imprisonment for the remainder of his life. The Accused filed an appeal against the decision of the Trial Chamber which was dismissed. 

Country : Rwanda 

 Link : 

Théoneste Bagosora et al Case 

Case Title : The Prosecutor v. Théoneste Bagosora et al

 Case Citation :  Case No. ICTR-98-41-T 

Charges : The Prosecution has charged Bagosora, Kabiligi, Ntabakuze and Nsengiyumva with conspiracy to commit genocide, genocide, complicity in genocide, crimes against humanity (murder, extermination, rape, persecution and other inhumane acts) and serious violations of Article 3 Common to the Geneva Conventions and of Additional Protocol II (violence to life and outrages upon personal dignity). In addition, it charges Nsengiyumva with direct and public incitement to commit genocide. Status :  Disposed 

Sentence : Sentence for life

Country : Rwanda 

 Link :

Reports of the United Nations​

1. REPORT OF THE Security Council of independent inquiry into the actions taken by the UN during the genocide inn Rawanda in 1994 , S/1999/1257, 16 Dec 1999.

2. World Report 2019 : Rwanda, Human Rights Watch

3. Question of the Violation of Human Rights And Fundamental Freedoms In Any Part Of The World, With Particular Reference to Colonial and Other Dependant Countries and Territories  , Report on the situation of human rights in Rwanda submitted by Mr. René Deqni-Séqui, Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights, under paragraph 20 of resolution S-3/1 of 25 May 1994,  United Nations , Economic and Social Council, E/CN.4/1995/12, 12 August 1994

Reports of other International/Regional Organisations / National Governments ​

1. International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, ‘Prosecution of Sexual Violence Best Practices Manual for the Investigation and Prosecution of Sexual Violence Crimes in Post-Conflict Regions: Lessons Learned from the Office of the Prosecutor for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda’ (30 January 2014)

2. @A call for UN human rights action on Rwanda and Burundi, AI Index: IOR 41/02/94 , Amnesty International, May 1994

Books/Articles /Documents/ Research Papers / Workshops / Publications ​

1. Broken Bodies, Torn Spirits Living with Genocide, Rape and HIV/AIDS, A Publication of African Rights,  April 2004

2. Buss D.E., Rethinking ‘Rape as a Weapon of War’ , Feminist Legal Studies, Vol. 17, pp. 145-163,  April 2009

3. De Brouwer A.M., “The Men Who Killed Me” (23 March 2010). 

4. De Brouwer A.M., “The importance of understanding sexual violence in conflict for investigation and prosecution purposes” Cornell International Law Journal, 48(3), 2015

5. Kaitesi, U., ‘Genocidal gender and sexual violence. The legacy of the ICTR, Rwanda’s ordinary courts and gacaca courts’ (2013),

6. Vojdik V.K., Sexual Violence Against Men and Women in War: a Masculinities Approach , 1 July 2013

7. Max Fisher, UN Report on Rwanda Genocide Shakes Africa, Did the Rwandan military kill thousands in retribution?, The Atlantic, August 29, 2010

8. Nicole Winfield, UN Failed Rawanda , Associated Press/ Nando Media, December 16, 1999.

9. Filip Reyntjens, 25 Years On : International (Non) Response to Genocide , Clingendael Spectator, 17 JUL 2019

Website ​

1. Clay D., & Lemarchand R., “Rwanda”, Encyclopaedia Britannica 

2. United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner

3. Lessons from the UN peacekeeping mission in Rwanda, 25 years after the genocide it failed to stop, The Conversation, September 5, 2019

4. UNHCR Rwanda


1. Clay D., & Lemarchand R., “Rwanda”, Encyclopaedia Britannica 

2. United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner

3. Lessons from the UN peacekeeping mission in Rwanda, 25 years after the genocide it failed to stop, The Conversation, September 5, 2019

4. UNHCR Rwanda