

Nigeria is currently experiencing a non-international armed conflict between the terrorist anti-government group Boko Haram and the counter-insurgency Nigerian Security Forces in a few northern states bordering Niger, Chad and Cameroon. Reports of sexual violence in this context mention both female and male victims.

Outside the context of conflict, Nigerian criminal law is divided into the Criminal Code, governing the southern states, and the Penal Code, governing the northern states. Sexual violence is criminalized, but only the Criminal Code uses gender-neutral language. Additionally, anti-LGBT legislation and beliefs may hinder men and boys from coming forward after experiencing sexual violence.

Ground Report

Available soon.

In the meantime, you can view our 2023 Nigeria Country Spotlight.

International Treaties

Regional Treaties

Domestic Law 

Case Law: International Criminal Tribunals

International Criminal Court (ICC)


Timeline: opening of the preliminary examination on 18 November 2010; inclusion of examination of national proceedings in 2015; completion of preliminary examination on 11 December 2020

Notable information: The examination focused primarily but not exclusively on crimes committed by Boko Haram and the Nigerian Security Forces since the beginning of the non-international armed conflict in 2011. After the completion of the preliminary examination, then prosecutor Fatou Bensouda “concluded that there was a reasonable basis to believe that war crimes and crimes against humanity were committed.” (ICC: Nigeria) Since then, the Office of the Prosecutor has engaged with Nigerian national authorities following the principle of complementarity. No cases have been opened regarding the situation in Nigeria.

Case Law: Domestic Courts

Academic Publications

Useful Websites

1. Nations Online Project:

2. Encyclopaedia Britannica:

3. Worldometers:

4. “Niger Delta Black Gold Blues: Can Writers Bring About Environmental Justice Where Slow Violence has Devastated the People and the Land?” Project by Jonathan Steinwald:

5. The Heritage Foundation – Economic Freedom Index Country Profile:

News Publications and Press Releases