

International Treaties

1. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1990.


2. Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions and relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts, 2 August 1949. 


3. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1990.


Regional Treaties

 African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, 1998


Domestic Law

1. Code de Procédure Pénale, 11 May 2018.


2. Code Pénal du Burundi, 22 April 2009.


3. Constitution de la République du Burundi, 2018


Domestic Law

1.Ligue Iteka, Rapport annuel sur la situation des droits de l’Homme au Burundi: Novembre 2015- Novembre 2016

MAI 2016: Un écolier violé en commune Gisagara, province Cankuzo N.O, un écolier de l’école primaire de Gitwenge en commune Gisagara, province Cankuzo, âgé de 11 ans, orphelin de père et de mère, a été violé en date du 5 mai 2016, à 10 heures pendant la récréation. L’auteur de ce viol a été décrit par cet élève mais la police n’a rien fait pour arrêter l’auteur présumé. Selon les sources proches de l’enfant, ce dernier a été conduit à l’hôpital pour subir des soins médicaux. L’expertise médicale a eu lieu et les résultats étaient entre les mains de la police judiciaire à Gisagara,province Cankuzo.

Translation: MAY 2016: A schoolboy was raped in Gisagara commune, Cankuzo N.W. province at Gitwenge primary school. At the age of 11, orphaned by both parents, he was raped on May 5, 2016, at 10 a.m. during recess.  The perpetrator of this rape was described by this student but the police did nothing to arrest the alleged perpetrator. According to sources close to the child, he was taken to hospital for medical treatment. The medical expertise took place and the results were in the hands of the judicial police in Gisagara, Cankuzo province. (http://ligue-iteka.bi/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Rapport-novembre-2015-novembre-2016.pdf)

2.First conviction for homosexuality in Burundi (2014) 

A vietnamese man was arrested last month and accused of of homosexual practice. It was the first time someone was convicted under the country’s anti-gay law, which came into effect in 2009. (http://www.iwacu-burundi.org/englishnews/first-conviction-for-homosexuality-in-burundi/)

Reports of the United Nations​

1.OHCHR, ‘Burundi: Persistence of serious human rights violations in a climate of widespread fear’ 


3. Juan Haro, ‘Abuse, impunity and sexual violence in Burundi’ , UNICEF, 14 June 2018


4. United Nations General Assembly, ‘Situation of human rights in Burundi’ (A/58/448) (UNGA, 20 October 2003) 


5.United Nations General Assembly, ‘Situation of human rights in Burundi’ (A/60/354) (UNGA, 14 September 2005) 


6.UNHRC, Commission of Inquiry on Burundi, ‘Report of the Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in Burundi -­ A/HRC/36/54’ (2017) https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/HRC/CoIBurundi/Pages/CoIBurundiReportHRC36.aspx

7.UNHRC, United Nations Independent Investigation on Burundi, ‘Final report of the mission of independent experts to Burundi, A/HRC/33/37’ (20 September 2016) <https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/HRC/UNIIB/Pages/UNIIB.aspx

8.  UNHRC, Hannah McNeish, ‘Running from rape in Burundi’ (06 May 2016) 


9. Office of The Special Representative of The Secretary General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Burundi


Reports of other International/Regional Organisations / National Governments ​

1.Amnesty International, ‘Burundi: Rape- the hidden human rights abuse’ AFR 16/006/2004 (February 2004) https://www.amnesty.org/download/Documents/88000/afr160062004en.pdf

2. Amnesty International, ‘Burundi Poverty, isolation and ill-treatment: Juvenile justice in Burundi’ AFR 16/011/2002 (September 2002) https://www.amnesty.org/download/Documents/112000/afr160112002en.pdf

3. Coalition Burundaise pour la Cour Pénale Internationale, ‘Le viol comme Outil de Répressionau Burundi’ (April- May 2017) http://www.omct.org/files/2017/06/24384/viol_comme_arme_de_repression_burundi_mai__cbcpi.pdf

4. Human Rights Watch Report, ‘Burundi’ (2018) 


5. Impunity Watch, ‘La prise en compte des violences basées sur le genre au Burundi: Analyse des perceptions et obstacles’ (July 2014) 


6. Ligue Iteka, ‘Rapport annuel sur la situation des droits de l’Homme au Burundi’ (November 2015 to November 2016) 


7. Tearfund, ‘A View on the Current Situation Regarding Sexual Violence in Burundi : The Role of the Church and possible avenues for intervention’ (January 2011) 


Books/Articles /Documents/ Research Papers / Workshops / Publications ​

1.Anthony Lattier, ‘Burundi: «la situation économique et sociale» à l’origine de la crise’ (21 June 2015) 


2.Lorraine Josiane Manishatse, ‘First Conviction for homosexuality in Burundi’ (IWACU, 10 September 2014) 


4.Thomas E. Wikstol, ‘The silence of male/male rape victims in Burundi and DRC’ (Peace Insight, 10 October 2012) 


Website ​

1. Equaldex, LGBT Rights in Burundi (n.d) 


2. Expert comptable International Info, ‘Burundi : Le contexte économique’ (September 2018) 


3. One World Nations Online ‘Burundi’ 


4. Trial International, ‘Pas d’impunité pour les violences sexuelles au Burundi’ (1 June 2018) 


5. BBC News, ‘Burundi country profile’ (3 December 2018) 



1. Rod Austin, Conflict drives global rise in sexual violence against women, The Guardian, Fri 28 Jun 2019
